Niobi Unified Payment
Niobi unified payment
Enter token in format (Bearer <token>)
This is the Amount of money you wish to transfer. This amount shall always be less than the total value in your Balance
This is the city of the Payee who is being paid out
This is the country of the Payee who is being paid out
This is the currency of the payouts you are making. At the moment, Niobi Payments supports KES transactions only
This is the email of the Payee who is being paid out
This is the first name of the Payee who is being paid out
This is the last name of the Payee who is being paid out
This is the street address of the Payee who is being paid out
This is the mobile number of the Payee who is being paid out. Use the correct formatting as described in the example
This is the preferred payment method you want to use to payout the money and what makes the Niobi Payment API really unique as we support all popular mobile money and bank payments
, Orange
, Vodacom
, Airtel
, at
, Vodafone
, tnm
, Zamtel
, Halotel
, Tigo
, Free
, send money
, till number
, pay bill
, pesalink
This is the postal code of the Payee who is being paid out
Using Airtel method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using at method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
You can provide call back URL to get payment confirmation response.
This is the Customer Identifier number for sub-wallet.
This is the description or message from payer who is paying out
Using Free method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using Halotel method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using mtn method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method and correspondent of payment method
Using Orange method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using M-Pesa PayBill method needs A Paybill Number and Account Number
This is the account number associated with Niobi, that holds the value from which a pyaout is being made
Niobi Payments also allows payouts via Bank Transfers using Pesalink. This transfer needs the following information
Using M-Pesa Send Money method needs a recipient's phone number
Using Tigo method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using M-Pesa till number method needs the recipient's Till Number
Using tnm method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using Vodacom method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using Vodafone method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
Using Zamtel method needs a recipient's phone number and correspondent of payment method
The response is of type any