Payment Links
Create Payment Link
Please make sure to generate a new signature
whenever you are creating a new balance request.
List of Supported Countries
Country Id | Country | Country Code | Currency | Payment Method type | Required Fields |
1 | Kenya | 254 | KES | till number, pay bill, pesalink, send money | country_id, currency |
2 | Benin | 229 | XOF | mtn | country_id, currency |
3 | Cote D’Ivoire | 225 | XOF | mtn, Orange | country_id, currency |
4 | Cameroon | 237 | XAF | mtn, Orange | country_id, currency |
5 | DRC | 243 | CDF | Orange, Airtel | country_id, currency |
7 | Malawi | 265 | MWK | Airtel, tnm | country_id, currency |
8 | Rwanda | 250 | RWF | mtn, Airtel | country_id, currency |
9 | Senegal | 221 | XOF | Orange, Free | country_id, currency |
10 | Tanzania | 255 | TZS | Airtel, Halotel, Tigo | country_id, currency |
11 | Uganda | 256 | UGX | mtn, Airtel | country_id, currency |
12 | Zambia | 260 | ZMW | Zamtel, mtn | country_id, currency |
13 | Sierra Leone | 232 | SLE | Orange | country_id, currency |
For Senegal Orange deposits, the end user receives an SMS with a shortcode after the deposit is initiated. They dial the shortcode, triggering a USSD prompt where they input their PIN to approve the transaction.
The Client id is your public key which is generated when you are creating a new API integration from our app.
Salt is used for security purposes. This is a random string and can be unique value for each request or always the same.
The Sender is the title of the API Integration which was created through our app. you can just copy this title and use it whenever making a new signature
this is the current timestamp when the request is being made