This section explains how to execute payouts using Niobi’s Payment API, covering various payment channels and the payout process.

To start making payments using these methods, ensure that your Niobi account is set up and verified. Refer to the ‘Setting up a Niobi Account’ section in the Getting Started section for detailed steps on account creation and setup.

Using the API

The unified-payments api endpoint is used for making payments across the supported countries. Please find the full API reference here.

You will be required to pass in the following parameters :

  1. Amount - the amount to be deposited to your account. This is in stamdard form(*100)
  2. Currency - the currency.
  3. Payment referece - this is information you will use to refere to the transaction later.
  4. First Name the first name of the recipient.
  5. Last Name the last name of the recipient.
  6. Mobile - the phone number of the recipient.
  7. Email - email of the recipient
  8. Country id - the id of the country the payment will be made to. The full list can be found here.
  9. City - city of the recipient.
  10. Postal code the postal code of the recipient.
  11. Line1 - line address of the recipient
  12. Description (Optional) - This is the description or message from payer who is paying out.
  13. Client Callback Url - Callback URL for payment confirmation response.
  14. Third party reference (Optional) - information you’d like to use to refer to the deposit later.
  15. Payment method type - the payment channel that will be used for the payment
  16. The payment method object - this is an object of the payment method type that contains the phone number of the recipient

You will then generate a signature using the parameters above and proceed to make an api request using the payload. On successful payment, you will receive a callback response with the transaction details. Please find a detailed description of the callback response under Callback URL Section.

Please note that all live transactions made through our API are subject to a transaction fee.